Wednesday 13 November 2013


The creative arts and technology department staged a creative industries week during October.
We had an exhibition showing a huge variety of courses, jobs and careers involved in the creative arts. We showcased courses from various Universities and students could choose from a variety of leaflets and information booklets relating to these courses and careers.

The week finished off in style with an experience day where various professional people were invited into the department and they were kind enough to share their skills, information, techniques and enthusiasm with the year 9 students.

We invited Maria Freeman , the fashion buyer for TU clothing at Sainsbury's,who set the students a task to try designing a range of clothing of their choice.

Hype clothing, a fashion design house, specialising in t-shirt design sent in loads of promotional pieces and videos of their ranges and asked the students to design their own t-shirt for a competition. They sent in some prizes for the best 10 in each group but the final  first overall prize was to get the winning design, selected by Hype themselves, to be made up into a t-shirt.

We had an illustrator/cartoonist who explained the way his mind worked and how his images evolve on the paper, the year 9 students were encouraged to have a go.
In the Hairdressing studio the students watched videos of fashion styles and were able to try some of these out. 
Senior Graphic Designer Viv Greywolde from AKQA in London, he has designed for a variety of companies including Nike.
Ed Hull, a personnal trainer and sports nutritionist helped the students learn about healthy eating, discovering how we are mislead by food packaging and showing them just how much sugar was in a can of coke!
They all made fruit smoothies



Monday 4 November 2013


On Wednesday 9th October the whole of Year 7 went to visit the Damien Hirst Exhibition at the Walsall Art Gallery. Half of the year group visited in the morning and the other half after lunch, which meant that a total of 241 children were able to experience the pieces that they were studying during their art lessons.

 We saw the gruesome photograph of  "With Dead Head" as well as "Away from the Flock, the sheep preserved in formaldyhyde,( which was one of the favourites). Year 7 experienced the size and scale of the triptch "Pharamacology, Physioloolgy and Pathology" and the beautiful spin painting"Tie a Yellow Ribbon Round The Old Oak Tree 2002"

Monday 8 July 2013


The Creative arts and Technology Department held their annual "Summer Exhibition " in the Smart Centre on June 6th. We showcased the work from all students throughout the whole department including:- Art and Photography, Food and Catering, Resistant Materials and Product Design, Graphics, Hairdressing and Textiles. The afternoon and evening was a tremendous success and we even had a visit from the Mayor!

Wednesday 26 June 2013

Year 7 Family Learning Project with Birmingham Museums

We are really excited to launch our Family Learning Project with our new Year 7s who start with us this September.
Families are asked to visit one of the Birmingham Museums sites (there are 9 to choose from and of course families can choose to visit more than one) and find something that inspires them to produce a piece of work. They can visit from anytime now until the end of the Autumn Term.

The projects will be handed in at the start of January and there will be an exhibition of the work at school. Also selected items will be exhibited at one of the Birmingham Museums sites.

There are no limits on what the work can be or the inspiration in fact....

Here are some ideas though:
  • A painting completed by the student (with guidance from Family) that was inspired by a piece of Art seen at BM&AG
  • A film report on Matthew Boulton based on information found out about him from a visit to Soho House.
  • A jewellery piece designed and made which has been inspired by the workshops at the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter.
  • A short story inspired by a tale from the Civil War at Aston Hall.
  • A piece of sculpture created as a reaction to a something seen in the new Birmingham Histories Gallery at BM&AG 
  • A animation based on participation in Knight School this August at Blakesley Hall.
  • A video diary about the life of a Tommie after seeing local WWI Living History group The Warwicks 1914-1918 at BM&AG
  • A poem based on Sarehole Mill the location that inspired J.R.R. Tolkien's The Hobbit and Lord Of The Rings.
We really want to encourage families to be involved in the learning that takes place. So please discuss it, work on it together, refine it and help present it to the highest standards. Each student's project should be handed in with maximum of one side of A4 explaining which Birmingham Museums site they visited and what their inspiration and why. We'd love to see a photo of you together at your BM site if possible too!

There are 9 sites to choose from that belong to the Birmingham Museums group:
  • Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery (Free entry to everyone)
  • Aston Hall *
  • Blakesley Hall *
  • Museum of the Jewellery Quarter *
  • Sarehole Mill *
  • Soho House *
  • Weoley Castle *
  • Museums Collection Centre *
  • ThinkTank **
*Free entry to Under 16s
**Charges apply to all - except Under 3s.

Please visit the websites for more information on locations, tickets and events happening through the rest of 2013.

With so many possibilities we can't wait to see what our new students come up with!

Year 8 Gifted and Talented CA&T Vintage Day - Friday 28th June 2013

It will be our annual cross faculty theme day for Creative Arts and Technology for Year 8 G&T students. This years theme is vintage!
Work during the day will be inspired by different decades and students will look at producing work in teams that shows their creativity and skills. There will be opportunities for students to work in Food, Textiles, Graphics, Art and Hairdressing.

Sunday 21 April 2013

A really busy department...

Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students are busy with coursework and exams across the faculty.

Last week there were Year 10 Catering exams and Year 11 Art students had their final GCSE examinations.

There are A Level Photography and Art AS and A2 examinations coming up over the next two weeks.

Year 10 students have mock exams coming up in D&T RM, Graphics, Textiles and HE

Year 11 D&T students are finishing coursework in RM, Graphics, Textiles and HE

Year 12 and 13 D&T Product Design students have coursework to complete over the next week, with Year 12 students also preparing for their AS Advanced Innovation Challenge on the 8th May

and then we have all of the KS4 and KS5 D&T exams!

Busy, busy... good luck everyone!

Wednesday 13 March 2013

Year 9 Options

How exciting...
The current Year 9 have the following subjects available to choose from in CA&T:
GCSE Catering
GCSE Graphics
GCSE Home Economics
GCSE Product Design
GCSE Resistant Materials
GCSE Textiles
BTEC Construction
City and Guilds Level 1 Intro to Hairdressing and Beauty
                          .... what will you choose??

For more information have a look at the options booklet on the school website or speak to your CA&T teachers!

Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sixth Form Open Evening

Tonight was Arden's Sixth Form Open Evening..

Great to talk to potential Art, Photography, Product Design and Home Economics A Level students. Lovely to meet so many new students as well - there were lots of external students thinking of coming to Arden for their A levels.

Good luck in your GCSEs everyone - hope you get the results you need!

Friday 25 January 2013

Name change for main Year 8 lamp blog

Change of name for main lamp project blog:

Two year 8 groups are now using blogs to record the progress of their design and manufacturing project. Have a look here...

Friday 11 January 2013

Quadblogging Digital Leaders...

The Year 9 Digitial Leaders have a blog and this term they will be taking part in 'Quadblogging'.
This means they will be working with 3 other schools to read each others blogs and comment on them. Over the 3 months each school will be the focus and our DLs will hopefully learn lots from looking at the other blogs.
The other three schools are from America and have blogs on different topics.

Year 7 CA&T Theme Day

We are really excited about the Year 7 Theme Day on Friday 1st February...

The faculty are busy planning activities in Food, Art, RM, Graphics and Textiles.

Sixty Year 7 students will be selected as the CA&T Theme Days are invitation only. Letters will be heading out to you in the next week...