KS3 D&T G&T Challenges

Read the story behind the winning items on display...

Year 8 and Year 9 Gifted and Talented Students were set challenges to complete relating to sustainability. The Challenges were:

Textiles - REUSE old garments or textiles products and give them a new purpose. The winning design was made by Kitty Bailey Year 8.
She combined and changed the function of her textiles product.

Resistant Materials - REUSE and RECYCLE
The fly-tip challenge - design an outdoor space using a list of materials that would be commonly found in landfill.
The winning design for this challenge was by Henry Barton Year 8

Design and make a healthy, family, main course dish that uses left overs. The competition entry had to show how the meal has been created and include costings. The winner for the Food challenge was Caitlin McDonald in Year 8

Graphics - RETHINK
Inspired by the posters of 1940s/50s austerity campaigns students were invited to design a poster to encourage people to RETHINK their attitudes to REPAIRING items, growing their own food, REDUCING waste or REFUSING unnecessary packaging.
The winner for this area was Miranda Yates Year 8

All winners were presented with certificates and Touchwood Shopping Centre gift vouchers.

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