Hairdressing blog

Useful hairdressing terminology: 

<a href=""

'Get the look this season'
with advice from,
Yasmin Dawes, Anastacia Constantinou, Chloe Beck and Bethan Roskell

year 10


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[slideshare id=21103045&doc=getthelookpowerpoint-130513085344-phpapp02]

This week my year 11 hairdressing students are set to complete their two year hairdressing course.
 Its going to be quiet here without them.

Thank you to Amy & Emily for my lovely prezzie :)


Ellie year 11's final image - Ice Queen


Valencia Rose   

Lucy Dalley's first 'hair rose' attempt ...
 year 10
amazing!!!!!!!    23/04/2013

Year 11 session stylists in the making   22/04/13
My year 11 hairdressing students don't have long left until they complete and leave.

This week they will be doing their final photoshoot task.
They are all set for a busy, fun and creative week!!
I will be posting pictures of some of the final looks.
Hairspray at the ready !!!
Arden Francesco Group Hairdressing students got to work on their first celebrity. Blue Peters Helen Skelton

Well done guys

Miss Bennett all jazzed up thanks to Amy Broad

Hannah Year 10 Arden produces a great waterfall braid follow by a fish tail plait

Chloe Faux takes the setting world by storm.

 Setting hair is one of Chloe's favourite styles to do, which is easy to see from her work

The finished style, as you can see, is casual and natural-looking curls in a cascade.
The style can be worn as shown, or if you would like to control the hair more for work or a more active event, you can use hair grips to pin up the sides loosely.

As Chloe demonstrates, setting your hair can give you instant glam, which would be suitable for an evening spent at dinner,dancing, theatre, or for looking a million dollars at the poolside or the beach. The style is also an excellent starting point for many up-styles where the goal is soft and feminine
What makes it even more great is that its one of the healthiest ways to style your hair!!

Right folks......rollers at the ready

Lucy Dalley showcases her creativity by producing some great theory work

Year 10 Hair students know how to get festival- fabulouse curls and waves
No electricity required!!

High bun are popular hair trends that are not going away anytime soon, so if you haven’t tried them already…what are you waiting for?!

One of my year 10 hairdressing student's have demonstrated the possibilities with this larger than life top bun.

Britney Spears has ditched the blonde locks and gone for a warm chestnut brown. The year 10 Hairdressing student's have completed a poll on Edmodo to see which they prefer.

60% voted that Britney Spears looks better as a brunette. What do you think?

This is the start of a new feature on this Faculty blog. Hairdressing students will be adding their own blogs to this page. The first one is actually from the winner of the Year 9 Community Theme Day as part of Creative Arts and Technology Week 2012.

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