Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sixth Form Open Evening

Tonight was Arden's Sixth Form Open Evening..

Great to talk to potential Art, Photography, Product Design and Home Economics A Level students. Lovely to meet so many new students as well - there were lots of external students thinking of coming to Arden for their A levels.

Good luck in your GCSEs everyone - hope you get the results you need!

Friday 25 January 2013

Name change for main Year 8 lamp blog

Change of name for main lamp project blog:

Two year 8 groups are now using blogs to record the progress of their design and manufacturing project. Have a look here...

Friday 11 January 2013

Quadblogging Digital Leaders...

The Year 9 Digitial Leaders have a blog and this term they will be taking part in 'Quadblogging'.
This means they will be working with 3 other schools to read each others blogs and comment on them. Over the 3 months each school will be the focus and our DLs will hopefully learn lots from looking at the other blogs.
The other three schools are from America and have blogs on different topics.

Year 7 CA&T Theme Day

We are really excited about the Year 7 Theme Day on Friday 1st February...

The faculty are busy planning activities in Food, Art, RM, Graphics and Textiles.

Sixty Year 7 students will be selected as the CA&T Theme Days are invitation only. Letters will be heading out to you in the next week...