Sunday 21 April 2013

A really busy department...

Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students are busy with coursework and exams across the faculty.

Last week there were Year 10 Catering exams and Year 11 Art students had their final GCSE examinations.

There are A Level Photography and Art AS and A2 examinations coming up over the next two weeks.

Year 10 students have mock exams coming up in D&T RM, Graphics, Textiles and HE

Year 11 D&T students are finishing coursework in RM, Graphics, Textiles and HE

Year 12 and 13 D&T Product Design students have coursework to complete over the next week, with Year 12 students also preparing for their AS Advanced Innovation Challenge on the 8th May

and then we have all of the KS4 and KS5 D&T exams!

Busy, busy... good luck everyone!