Saturday 11 January 2014

Year 7 Family Learning project with Birmingham Museums - the exhibition

When we launched this project in July 2013 to the Year 6 students in our feeder schools we had no idea how they would respond. Learning Officers from Birmingham Museums visited Year 6 students in their primaries schools to tell them about the 9 sites that make up the Birmingham Museums group.

Students then had from July to December to visit one of the sites with their families and the produce a piece of work inspired by something they saw or did during the visit. We gave a few suggestions.. a piece of art, a video report, a poem etc...

We asked students to hand in their projects during the first week back after the Christmas holidays. Two Year 9 students recommended by Miss Haines were asked to organise a small team to help 'curate' the exhibition and they did a fantastic job organising and displaying all of the work and artifacts handed in.

The work handed in has been amazing! The variety in particular has been the most pleasing thing. What talented students - we have had paintings, booklets, large displays, jewellery, ceramics, websites, powerpoint presentations, poems, costumes, models and lots more...

We now look forward to this week's Pop-Up exhibition (it is in the Library) and will be open from 3-6pm for Year 7 parents to view during parents' evening.

More information to follow about the celebration event at Birmingham Museums later this year.