Thursday 6 December 2012

8A4 Inspired Lamp Project Blogs

New host blog for 8A4 Product Design lamp project - students will be keeping project blogs to show the progress made each lesson on the manufacture of their lamps.

Themes for the lamps are: Art deco, Memphis or Natural form

Students are just setting up their blogs ready for next term when they start making their lamps - keep checking back for updates.

Sunday 25 November 2012

Arden's Digital Leaders Blog

The main blog has been set up and will be regularly updated with information about software and new technology being trialled by our Digital Leaders.

Have a look here:

Wednesday 21 November 2012

Digital Leaders

November 2012 sees a new era for Creative Arts and Technology...

10 Year9 students have been appointed as Digital Leaders and will be working with Mrs Allton to test and trial new technology, apps and software that could be used in school to enhance teaching and learning. The Digital Leaders will support other students in lessons and help train staff.

Meetings will be in Room 104 in the Smart Centre on Thursday lunchtimes.

We will be looking at: iPads and their apps, prezi, blogs, twitter, 3D printing with D&T, 3D modelling with Sketch Up and Solidworks, Graphics with Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop and any other relevant software or technology that comes our way...

Well done to the 10 students involved!

Keep checking back to the Digital Leaders page for more information on what they have achieved.

Creative Arts and Technology Week - Tuesday/Wednesday

Tuesday 20th November 2012
Year 10 Students studying GCSE Art & Design visited Tate Modern in London
and students also enjoyed some time in Covent Garden.

Santosh Bhurra was in cooking wonderful Asian cuisine with KS4 Home Economic students.

Wednesday 21st November
50 Students from Year 10 working in the School Hall all day on a STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths) challenge with a facilitator from the Small Peice Trust and Mr Eades, Mr Crawley and sixth form Product Design students.
We are also excited that 5 Year 10 students can have a residential STEM work experience through the Small Peice Trust. We look forward to receiving applications for this...

Santosh Bhurra worked with A level Home Economics students in the afternoon looking at different Asian breads, including Gluten Free recipes.

Mr Lyons of Lyons Butcher's, Knowle also came in to work with and demonstrate to Year 10 GCSE Catering students.

Monday 19 November 2012

Digital Leaders - recruitment...

I am looking for 5 Year 9 students to become Digital Leaders.

Starting by looking at how new technology and online software can be used in D&T, the Digital Leaders will trial and teach each other, before supporting other students and staff with a range of ICT based software/hardware.

Digital Leaders will then look at expanding their skills and support to all areas of the curriculum at Arden.

What a fantastic start to Creative Arts & Technology week 2012

Thank you to all the hardworking students, staff and visitors to the department today...
The Year 9 'Community' Theme Day was a huge success and everyone worked really hard to make creative and interesting products in all areas of CA&T. We were also joined by a chef from Turners Restaurant, Nick Steyn a previous student at Arden worked with Year 10 Home Economics students.

Year 9 Community Theme Day

Hairdressing students working on their designs today - they interpreted 'community' by looking at the communicating with an online community. The best Hairdressing blog will be appearing on this CA&T department blog very soon.

Food students created a variety of savoury and sweet dishes that had been passed down in their community - many from families, grandmas and great grandmas...

Graphics students were working on designing a logo and branding for the Knowle Fun Run - next year is the 30th anniversary and we had a visit from a member of the Knowle and Dorridge Lions (who organise the event) judging. We were really pleased to hear that he took two of the designs with him to show the group and consider using next year.
Art students visited Knowle to get inspiration from the local community for their clay work

Product Design students visited Meridan's community area for inspiration. Students designed plans and built models of proposed community areas. These again were judged by a member of Knowle Society who works in planning/architecture.

Year 9 Product Design students working on designs for a local community area for Knowle/Dorridge.

Year 9 students working in Textiles created festival wind sock decorations. Ideas were inspired by the community by being linked to Arden or the local area in their designs.

We had a range of experts, plus Mr Murphy Principal of Arden and The Mayor of Solihull helping with the judging at the end of the day. Students involved also got chance to see the work that the other areas had been creating before voting for a winning overall team.
Prizes for individual successes will be awarded in an assembly soon.

Chef demonstration
Nick Steyn - demonstration for Year 10 students
We also were very lucky to have another visiting expert in to work with Year 10 Home Economic students. Nick Steyn, a previous Arden student demonstrated a range of dishes to inspired students. Nick works at Michelin Starred Turners Restaurant, Harborne, Birmingham. 

Creative Arts and Technology Week has started...

It is Monday 19th November.. which means that this years CA&T week has started.

Today we have 80 Year 9 students involved with a community theme day.. Students are working in Food, Art, Product Design, Hairdressing, Textiles and Graphics.
More photos and stories to follow later!

Year 9 Students in Food Technology - recipes passed down from the community

Saturday 3 November 2012

Creative Arts & Technology Week 19th-23rd Nov 2012

Only a few weeks until the third annual Creative Arts and Technology Week...

There will be visits, visitors, competitions, special lessons, a STEM challenge day and lots more...

More details and a programme of events will be posted here over the next fortnight.

Keep checking back for details of how you can get involved.

Monday 15 October 2012

Year 8 G&T Sustainability Challenges

Well done to the Year 8 students that took part in the Creative Arts and Technology G&T challenges this half term.

With the theme of sustainability students were inspired to design and make local dishes and amazing meals using leftover food, recycle textiles products to give them new life and new functions, they designed interactive graphic leaflets to educate youngsters about sustainability, used fly-tip resistant materials to design playgrounds and created works of art out of or on rubbish...

Winning students were presented with touchwood vouchers and their work was displayed at the Arden Open Evening on 27th September 2012.

Wednesday 29 August 2012

Creative Arts and Technology Summer Exhibition 2013

The Summer celebration of KS3, 4 and 5 work from the Creative Arts and Technology faculty will take place in The Smart Centre between 4-6pm on Thursday 6th June 2013.

Key Stage 3 Theme Days 2012-13

Building on the excellent Year 8 G&T Sustainability theme days the Creative Arts and Technology faculty will be running the following theme day this year...

Year 9 CA&T theme day - 19th November 2012
Year 7 CA&T theme day - 1st February 2013
Year 8 CA&T theme day - 28th June 2013

Creative Arts Week 2012

The annual week long event will take place between the 19th and 23rd November 2012.

During the week there will be a variety of special events including trips, workshops, competitions and visiting displays and talks.

Tuesday 3 July 2012

Images from the Mad Hatters' Day

There are some images on the school website of our Year 8 G&T Mad Hatters Theme Day. Students worked with experts and staff in the following areas: Food, Art, Graphics, RM(Architecture), Textiles and Hairdressing. Follow the link to see the gallery of photographs...

Thursday 28 June 2012

Future designers showcased at Arden

Arden Academy opens its doors to the community next week as students from the Creative Arts & Technology Faculty showcase their work.

Artists and designers, chefs and hairstylists will be displaying work from their Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 projects. Year 9 students will also be taking part in a live cookery competition on the evening.
Head of Faculty Liz Allton says: "We're constantly amazed by the creativity with which our students approach their projects, and by the hard work they put in. This is an excellent opportunity for parents and the community to see what Arden students can achieve."
The Exhibition is on Wednesday 4th July from 4-6pm in the school's Smart Centre. All are welcome.

Tuesday 26 June 2012

AS and A2 Art & Design Exhibition

The A level exhibition will showcase work from all KS5 Fine Art, Photography and Textiles students.
The exhibition runs from 4.30pm to 6.30pm on Tuesday 17th July 2012 in The Smart Centre.

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Year 8 Mad Hatters Tea Party

On the 29th June Gifted and Talented students in Year 8 will be invited to take part in a 'Mad Hatter's Tea Party' themed Creative Arts and Technology Day. Students will be working as a team to meet challenges in Art, Textiles, Food, Hairdressing, Graphics and Product Design. As part of the challenges students will be developing skills and knowledge in sustainable design and creativity.

The event was launched on the 22nd June to the 75 students involved in the Mad Hatters day. Students are working in teams of 12/13 and have chosen their representatives to work in the 6 areas of Creative Arts and Technology during the day.

At the end of the day teams will bring their work together and showcase what they have achieved . There will be a winning team judged by our visiting experts and a 'people's choice' winning team voted for by staff visiting the judging event.

The work produced will be on display at the CA&T Summer Exhibition on Wednesday 4th July 4-6pm in The Smart Centre.

Monday 21 May 2012

CA&T Summer Exhibition

The annual Summer Exhibition will be on the 4th July 2012 in The Smart Centre. It will be from 4-6pm.
There will be a selection of work by Key Stage 3, 4 and 5 from Design and Technology and Art and Design.
Everyone is welcome. There will also be an exhibition of A Level work on the 16th July 2012.

Saturday 19 May 2012

CA&T on display

Use this blog to read about the work on display from the Creative Arts and Technology Faculty.

You can keep checking back as we add more or use the QR codes around the department to bring you straight here.

Thanks for visiting
Liz Allton
Head of Creative Arts and Technology