Monday 19 November 2012

What a fantastic start to Creative Arts & Technology week 2012

Thank you to all the hardworking students, staff and visitors to the department today...
The Year 9 'Community' Theme Day was a huge success and everyone worked really hard to make creative and interesting products in all areas of CA&T. We were also joined by a chef from Turners Restaurant, Nick Steyn a previous student at Arden worked with Year 10 Home Economics students.

Year 9 Community Theme Day

Hairdressing students working on their designs today - they interpreted 'community' by looking at the communicating with an online community. The best Hairdressing blog will be appearing on this CA&T department blog very soon.

Food students created a variety of savoury and sweet dishes that had been passed down in their community - many from families, grandmas and great grandmas...

Graphics students were working on designing a logo and branding for the Knowle Fun Run - next year is the 30th anniversary and we had a visit from a member of the Knowle and Dorridge Lions (who organise the event) judging. We were really pleased to hear that he took two of the designs with him to show the group and consider using next year.
Art students visited Knowle to get inspiration from the local community for their clay work

Product Design students visited Meridan's community area for inspiration. Students designed plans and built models of proposed community areas. These again were judged by a member of Knowle Society who works in planning/architecture.

Year 9 Product Design students working on designs for a local community area for Knowle/Dorridge.

Year 9 students working in Textiles created festival wind sock decorations. Ideas were inspired by the community by being linked to Arden or the local area in their designs.

We had a range of experts, plus Mr Murphy Principal of Arden and The Mayor of Solihull helping with the judging at the end of the day. Students involved also got chance to see the work that the other areas had been creating before voting for a winning overall team.
Prizes for individual successes will be awarded in an assembly soon.

Chef demonstration
Nick Steyn - demonstration for Year 10 students
We also were very lucky to have another visiting expert in to work with Year 10 Home Economic students. Nick Steyn, a previous Arden student demonstrated a range of dishes to inspired students. Nick works at Michelin Starred Turners Restaurant, Harborne, Birmingham. 

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